

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director

[email protected]
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fire in the cerrado, brazil
Soy traders’ new commitment on deforestation and ecosystem conversion at COP28 could be the death knell for the Cerrado in Brazil
Media Statement: Mighty Earth says long-awaited UK Deforestation Due Diligence legislation falls short of being “world-beating.”
Mighty Earth Reveals Three Meat Giants Linked to Half a Million Hectares of Deforestation in Brazil
Wasted: How Japan’s Biomass Push in South Asia Lays Waste to Forests, Undermines Climate Progress and Drowns Recipients in Debt
Wasted: How Japan’s Biomass Push in South Asia Lays Waste to Forests, Undermines Climate Progress and Drowns Recipients in Debt
The stakes are high
Mighty Earth Welcomes Introduction of FOREST Act in U.S.
Mighty Earth at COP28
Cargill Announces Commitment to Eliminate Ecosystem Destruction Linked to Key Commodities Across Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay by 2025
Climate Organizers Stage Squid Games “Die-In” at the LA Auto Show to Protest Hyundai Use of Child Labor and Dirty Coal
U.S. – Indonesia CMA
Press Release: U.S. – Indonesia CMA
U.S. – Indonesia CMA
CSOs Urge Biden to Include Social and Environmental Safeguards in Potential Critical Minerals Agreement with Indonesia
New report warns global demand for cashews is driving nature loss and food insecurity in Côte d’Ivoire
New report warns global demand for cashews is driving nature loss and food insecurity in Côte d’Ivoire
New report warns global demand for cashews is driving nature loss and food insecurity in Côte d’Ivoire
THE CASHEW CONUNDRUM: global demand for cashews is driving nature loss and food insecurity in Côte d’Ivoire