North America

Mighty Earth runs campaigns to protect and restore nature, fight climate change, and break the link between economic development and environmental destruction.


Bioenergy or biomass is billed as green; it’s anything but. But the industry is leading to the logging of natural forests in British Columbia, Canada and the Southeastern United States. Trees are cut down and turned into wood pellets before being shipped to the UK and Japan to power biomass plants.

Trees are being cut down at an alarming rate, pushing endangered species such as the mountain caribou to the brink.

Chopping down trees to make wood pellets to burn for electricity is not carbon neutral, it’s a carbon nightmare, emitting more carbon than coal.


Agriculture drives 80% of global deforestation. Mighty Earth is working to transform the industry and create supply chains that protect Nature and human rights. Our reports and investigations have revealed that the big agricultural companies and commodity traders – many based in the U.S. – still don’t have control of their global supply chains, allowing deforestation to seep in through direct and indirect suppliers.

We recognize the same problems coming up again and again across all the commodities we work on and engage with industry to present viable and sustainable practices to replace destructive ones. Creating and sustaining pressure across the supply chain, we target companies with proven links to the destruction of Nature.


Cutting carbon emissions in heavy industry, particularly steel and aluminum, is essential to achieving our climate goals. Our campaign in the U.S. aims to decarbonize and end human rights abuses in the auto supply chain. The automotive industry is critical to achieving net-zero global emissions by 2050. As automakers move to electric vehicles, by 2040 materials used for production will account for 60 percent of life-cycle emissions. This means in addition to going electric the auto industry must shift material supply chains to include green aluminum and steel, deforestation-free and sustainable leather and rubber, and other materials to be truly carbon neutral across the entire auto supply chain.

  • 9%

    of all global greenhouse gas emissions come from the auto industry

  • 1%

    of primary forest remains in British Columbia.

  • 60% of global nature loss

    is driven by the meat industry

  • Around 70

    new green steel plants are needed by 2030 to meet climate goals

Explore Our Work

The Amazon rainforest

Protecting Nature



Decarbonizing Industry



Mountain Caribou threatened by industrial logging

The biggest climate risk IPO in history

We lodged a submission against JBS with the powerful US Securities and Exchange Commission over the Brazilian meat giant’s plan to list on the New York Stock Exchange.

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Using wood pellets for electricity involves cutting down trees in North America, chopping them into pellets, shipping them overseas, and burning them.

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U.S. and European Carmakers Drive the Transition to Sustainable Steel, While Asian Automakers Lag Behind
A post-Chevron strategy for protecting the environment
Mighty Earth Critiques General Motor’s Latest Sustainability Report for Lack of Decarbonization Commitments
Biden Administration Aims to Triple Tariffs on Dirty Chinese Steel and Aluminum
Climate campaigners stage bold action at NY auto show to protest Hyundai’s greenwashing
Hyundai announces withdrawal from agreement to procure aluminum powered by new coal power plant in Indonesia
Mighty Earth Responds to DOE’s Announcement of $6 Billion for Industrial Decarbonization Projects
JBS in big trouble again: New York Attorney General sues JBS for misleading net zero claims
JBS barred from gold standard for corporate climate action over its “bogus” Net Zero plans