Deforestation Monitoring

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Mighty Earth’s Rapid Response program is stopping deforestation in its tracks.

Each month, we combine satellite imagery with supply chain data to determine the global agribusinesses responsible for new cases of deforestation driven by the palm oil, soy, and cattle industries.  We recently launched a program for West African cocoa as well. Then we move quickly to hold those companies accountable and ensure they enforce their environmental policies before more damage is done.

  • 90%

    reduction in deforestation for palm oil

  • 70%

    of deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado driven by beef and soy production

  • of forest loss in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana attributable to cocoa farming

Our Work

Soy and Cattle Deforestation Monitor

Our digital platform tracks and reports on deforestation linked to soy and beef production in Brazil

See the latest rankings

Keep Pushing for Sustainable Palm Oil

Our work helped reduce deforestation for palm oil by 90%. We're continuing to identify the remaining bad actors.

See Our Latest Palm Oil Reports

Forests Lost in West Africa for Cocoa

West Africa produces three-quarters of the world’s cocoa, with Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana being the largest producers. These two countries have lost most of their forest cover in the past 60 years – around 94% and 80% respectively.

Cocoa Accountability

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Palm Oil



Latin America


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