Palm Oil

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Mighty Earth works around the world to break the link between agriculture  and deforestation. We work to transform the palm oil industry to engage in a model of production that conserves forests and respects Indigenous community rights.

Over the last decade both the palm oil industry has reduced their deforestation by 90%. In response to demands from  consumers, investors, and environmental groups, most of the large industry players adopted policies to ban deforestation, destruction of peatland, and exploitation of local communities. Instead of expanding into pristine forests, they focus their development on the millions of acres of available degraded land. This progress by the private sector has contributed to Indonesia achieving the lowest levels of deforestation on record. But there’s more work to do to maintain this trend, as threats remain.

  • 90+%

    decrease in deforestation for palm oil

  • 3500

    oil palm concessions in Indonesia and Malaysia monitored by Rapid Response

  • 50%

    of packaged products contain palm oil

Rapid Response

We have created a “Rapid Response” satellite monitoring system to pinpoint deforestation in vulnerable locations. The aim is to stop a few hectares of deforestation becoming a few hundred. We let companies know we are watching, and we pressure them to act on deforestation reports.

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Success Stories

Mighty Earth’s Rapid Response monitoring system is leading to faster interventions by palm oil traders to address cases of deforestation and peatland development.

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