Carlos Bravo Villa

Carlos Bravo Villa is an independent environmental consultant with thirty years of experience in strategic campaign planning, communication and political advocacy. He has been working for Mighty Earth since October 2021 with the aim of influencing decision-making for Spain to support the adoption of strong EU legislation to tackle deforestation and ecosystem conversion caused by Europe.

He worked as Greenpeace Spain Coordinator of Energy and Climate Change Team at the time he left the organisation in 2012, after 22 years of dedication. Since then, he has developed work for different entities like the European Climate Foundation, Transport&Environment, OceanCare, The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, WWF Spain, WWF Greece, Alianza Mar Blava and Fundación Renovables.

Born in Madrid (Spain), he holds a Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences from the University Complutense of Madrid. He loves otters and after finishing his degree he spent several years studying their behaviour and interspecific competition with an introduced species, the American mink. He also loves hiking and cycling, spending time with family (including his dog and cats) and friends, and reading and listening to rock, folk and classical music.