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Webinar: How to Achieve Zero Deforestation Cocoa

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Sr. Director Communications

[email protected]

Mighty Earth’s Etelle Higonnet was the opening speaker at Earthworm Foundation’s recent webinar, “How the cocoa industry can stop deforestation.” You can watch the full video here, courtesy of Earthworm Foundation:

About the Webinar:

Cocoa production is a driver of deforestation. Today, many chocolate brands have made commitments to tackle deforestation within their supply chains, but how can the industry ensure cocoa is not grown at the expense of tropical forests? Join us, along with speakers from Mighty Earth, Valrhona, and World Cocoa Foundation to discuss the solutions in the first of a series of Earthworm Foundation cocoa webinars.


  • Etelle Higonnet – Senior Campaign Director, Mighty Earth
  • Gerome Tokpa – Head of West Africa, Earthworm Foundation
  • Rob McWilliam – Director of Technical Services, Earthworm Foundation
  • Pierre Costet – Cacao Forest Project
  • Ethan Budiansky – Director of Environment, World Cocoa Foundation


  • Renzo Verne – Senior Manager, Earthworm Foundation
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