UK Law Must Go Further to Fight Deforestation

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director

[email protected]

Today, the UK government introduced its Environment Bill “to clamp down on illegal deforestation and protect rainforests.” The Bill would require greater due diligence from businesses on sourcing standards, with a focus on removing illegal deforestation from supply chains. In response to the Bill, Robin Willoughby, Mighty Earth UK Director, released the following statement:

“We welcome the government’s action, which follows demands from UK consumers and international brands alike for action against deforestation. But the law’s focus on illegal deforestation makes this a half measure.

“The people of the UK do not want to eat food grown in the ashes of the world’s forests. And in a time of climate crisis and mass extinctions, deforestation – whether nominally legal or illegal – accelerates environmental decline.

“We call on Parliament to ensure that the final law covers the worst corporate laggards – such as soy suppliers Cargill and Bunge and beef supplier JBS – and has the enforcement mechanisms necessary to bring about real change.”

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