Mighty Earth Critiques General Motor’s Latest Sustainability Report for Lack of Decarbonization Commitments

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Sr. Director Communications

[email protected]

[April 30, 2024, Washington D.C.] General Motors (GM) on Tuesday released its latest 2023 Sustainability Report.

GM is a member of the First Movers Coalition (FMC), a group with more than 96 members with more than 120 commitments to purchase near-zero emission goods and services by 2030. As an FMC member for steel and aluminum GM has pledged to purchase at least 10% of low-carbon crude steel and 10% low-carbon primary aluminum by 2030.

In this year’s Lead the Charge Leaderboard,GM assumed the 8th rank trailing behind other American automakers companies such as Ford (ranked #1) and Tesla (ranked #3).

Responding to GM’s 2023 Sustainability Report, Matthew Groch, Senior Director of Decarbonization at Mighty Earth said:

“GM’s latest sustainability report shows it once again failed to demonstrate any real progress in decarbonizing its steel and aluminum supply chains. As a member of the First Movers Coalition, it should be leading from the front to a low carbon future.”


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