
Justice for Tamshiyacu

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director

[email protected]

After it deforested about 2,000 hectares of primary forest to install a cocoa plantation in Tamshiyacu in the Loreto region of Peru, the company Cacao del Peru Norte (today Tamshi SAC) was charged with engaging in illegal trafficking of forest and wood products and obstruction of justice. Today, Mighty Earth supports those calling on the relevant Peruvian authorities to ratify the sentence against the company.

In July 2019, the Judicial Power ruled in favor of the State and ordered Cacao del Peru Norte to pay a civil reparation of more than 15 million soles ($4 million USD). Its manager, now a fugitive, was sentenced to eight years in prison.

The company appealed, and on Friday October 2, the second instance hearing will be held in the Superior Court of Loreto. It is of vital importance that the Judiciary knows citizens and civil society organizations are aware of this case and demanding that those responsible for these environmental crimes be definitively condemned.

The ratification of the sentence is fundamental to the fight against deforestation in Peru since, for the first time, a crime of this type has received criminal sanctions against those responsible. It is also of special importance in the fight against impunity. Finally, the protection of the Amazon is essential to addressing the global climate and extinction crises. Peru must set an example and guarantee environmental and climate justice.

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