Japan: Stop Funding Coal

Japan: Stop Funding Coal

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary


Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director


Japan: Stop Funding Coal

October 21, 2021

Climate activists around the world demonstrated outside Japanese embassies to demand that the Japanese government stop funding and constructing dirty coal plants overseas. Mighty Earth and allies organized a protest at the Washington D.C. Embassy with an eye-catching projection calling for Japan to stop funding coal.

Japan needs to abide by the G7 leaders’ statement, a commitment it entered into this June to end direct investment in new coal plants. Despite this, the Japanese government is considering providing loans for new coal plants in Matarbari, Bangladesh and Indramayu, Indonesia.

With Prime Minister Kishida having just taken office in early October, all eyes are on Japan to demonstrate the seriousness of its climate commitments heading into COP 26.

Now is Japan’s chance to shift to clean energy and align its investments with the nation’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

For more information, please visit https://nocoaljapan.org/cop26/

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