EU Coronavirus Bailout Must Deliver a Just and Sustainable Recovery

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director

[email protected]

Mighty Earth has joined calls to ensure the European Union’s coronavirus financial bail out and national Sustainable Recovery Plans deliver a greener and more socially and environmentally just recovery.

We’ve joined other groups in the Green10 network – including Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth – who are calling on political leaders to ensure the EU’s potentially €1.5 trillion bail out and Sustainable Recovery Plans direct all public stimulus investments towards accelerating the transition to a just, resilient and sustainable economy, and boost the European Green Deal to deliver even more.

This means:

  • Stepping up policy action against climate change and biodiversity loss at EU, national and international levels and strengthening strategies in the European Green Deal
  • Making bail out support to EU companies in high-carbon and potentially polluting sectors – such as intensive agriculture – conditional on their alignment with climate and environmental goals
  • Ensuring no bail outs for polluting and unviable industries that have no future in tomorrow’s economy
  • State aid, loans, subsidies and other direct and indirect bail out support to companies must come with strict climate and environmental conditions, monitored and enforced by the EU
  • Ensuring the European Investment Bank (EIB) brings its lending policies in line with the European Green Deal.

The open letter supports the many recent appeals for a green recovery that have blossomed across Europe – by 13 EU governments, MEPs, the Club of Rome, scientists, CSOs, 200 representatives from business and politics, green energy companies, and many more. So far signed by over 50 CSOs, see the Green10 joint appeal here.

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