

Defending a planet in peril

Mighty Earth is tackling the biggest challenges to Nature and climate. We are obsessed with impact and aspire to be the most effective environmental advocacy organization in the world. Our goal: protect Earth for Nature and secure a climate that allows life to flourish.

We focus on the issues that receive little investment relative to their potential: protecting Nature, restoring wildlife, and decarbonizing industry.


Mighty Earth transforms industries by creating a ‘Perfect Storm’ of campaigns, communications, and practical engagement with decision-makers that can rapidly disrupt even the most entrenched interests. Our work aims to break the link between economic growth and environmental destruction by creating a virtuous cycle of private sector, government, and community action. To achieve this, we do more than just draw attention to bad actors. We strategically apply pressure, targeting fulcrum parts of value chains to catalyze industry-wide change. While we partner with companies to drive concrete solutions, we also maintain our independence to ensure we can hold those companies accountable should they fail to deliver on their promises.

Obsessed with impact

Mighty Earth is laser-focused on delivery. We’re well known for our campaigns that can catalyze commitments from the largest industries. But more than half of our work focuses on ensuring delivery of those commitments. At Mighty Earth, we let data show us the truth and challenge assumptions with science as our guide. Our data comes from best-in-class research, satellite monitoring, and partnering with local communities to be our on-the-ground eyes and ears.

“Mighty Earth is doing brave and vital work, holding powerful corporations and governments to account.”

– Monica Lennon, Member of Scottish Parliament

  • 37%

    Protecting and restoring Nature represents more than one third of the potential to reduce climate emissions...

  • 3%

    ...yet receives just three percent of climate funding. That gap is where Mighty Earth comes in.

  • 2016: Mighty Earth is founded to address rogue palm oil producers. Since then, we’ve helped bring about a 90% decline in deforestation for palm oil and driven transformative change in the sector.

  • 2017: In response to a Mighty Earth report about illegal cocoa practices in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, the chocolate and cocoa industry announces a ban on deforestation inside national parks and protected areas.

  • 2018: Tyson Foods, America’s largest meat company, agrees to improve agricultural practices across 2 million acres following a Mighty Earth campaign that was joined by more than 300 national and local environmental, business, farmer, and labor groups.

  • 2019: Mighty Earth launches the Rapid Response deforestation satellite monitoring and supply chain analysis system. The system results in 250+ supply chain discontinuations and becomes a leading driver behind the 90% decline in palm oil deforestation.

  • 2020: Following campaigning by Mighty Earth and our allies, seven major French supermarket companies announce measures to end the use of soy produced on deforested land.

  • 2021: Mighty Earth releases a report and files a complaint with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; these efforts prompt Sumitomo Corporation to pull out of dirty coal plant construction projects.

  • 2021: In response to a Mighty Earth and Reporter Brasil investigation documenting their ties to deforestation, supermarket chains in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the UK announce they will drop Brazilian beef and/or beef products tied to JBS, the world’s largest beef company.

  • 2022: Hard-hitting investigations by Mighty Earth resulted in global supermarket chain Carrefour publicly committing to stop sourcing beef from slaughterhouses in the Amazon and announcing new beef sourcing targets to relieve pressure on critical areas.

  • Cargill sign

    2023: Following years of campaigning by Mighty Earth and allies, Cargill announces commitment to eliminate ecosystem destruction linked to key commodities across Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay by 2025


We have ambitious goals. To achieve them, we need to continue to build the team, infrastructure, and culture that allows us to scale.

Elements of our approach are unusual in the NGO sector. We purposefully draw not only from the world of campaigns, but also from best business practices, market research, and classical military strategy. We have adopted principles such as concentration of force, momentum, and persistence. And we promote a nimble, entrepreneurial, results-focused culture that allows us to punch way above our weight.

  • 10 gigaton

    reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

  • 85% reduction

    in deforestation from major agricultural commodities like beef, animal feed, cocoa, & rubber

  • 30% cut

    in agricultural methane pollution

  • 10% of global protein sales

    are either plant-based or cultivated meat

  • 80% of steel, aluminum, & cement

    industries on path to full decarbonization by 2050

  • 250 million acres rewilded

    through restoration of keystone species

  • 100% recognition of land rights

    for Indigenous communities on the agricultural frontier

Case for Support

Mighty Earth’s founder and CEO on what we aim to achieve in the years ahead


Annual Report

Read the story of a growing organization punching vastly above its weight. In 2022, with a small budget and modest team, Mighty Earth delivered major breakthroughs for Nature and climate.

Read the Annual Report

The Latest

Call for Indiana’s Steel Industry to “Lead the Global Transition to Sustainable Steel”
Palm Oil Report 44
Monitoring Report: Mayawana Persada