Mighty Earth Champions New Legislation to Reform Broken Biofuel Policy

Sydney Jones

Press Secretary

[email protected]

Carole Mitchell

Global Communications Director

[email protected]

Washington, DC—Today, Mighty Earth chairman Henry Waxman joined Senator Tom Udall, Representative Peter Welch, and members of the environmental and conservation community to introduce the GREENER Fuels Act.

This bill provides, for the first time, pro-environment solutions to the reform the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). This broken policy, once seen as a promising way to promote truly sustainable biofuels and curb climate change, has instead only led to the expansion of first-generation, food-based fuels that are worse for the environment and climate than oil and gas.

The new bill, the GREENER Fuels Act, refocuses the law to promote the best biofuels and reduce support for the most polluting.

Statement of former Congressman Henry Waxman:

“I applaud Congressman Welch and Senator Udall for their leadership. It’s time to admit that the Renewable Fuel Standard has done more harm than good and start supporting sensible fixes. Like many of my colleagues, I supported the admirable environmental goals of the RFS when we created it ten years ago. Now, it’s clear that the RFS has been a net-negative for the environment. Not only has the RFS failed to spur significant development of truly advanced fuels, but conventional biofuels like corn ethanol and soy biodiesel are destroying wildlife habitat at home and abroad, polluting waterways, and increasing global warming pollution.”

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